You are currently viewing # 21 Bunt sind schon die Wälder

# 21 Bunt sind schon die Wälder

The end of the Summer of Music 2022

„Bunt sind schon die Wälder“ 

With this well-known German autumn song, this year's music summer ended with the great Bahnhof Orchestra.

From May to September, 30 bands from 20 nations took to the stage in Leisnig's beautiful station garden. We are approaching our vision with big mile boots and the Kulturbahnhof has meanwhile become a fixed place for music and culture in Central Saxony. It gladdens our hearts again and again that so many people from Leisnig and the surrounding towns travel to all events and thus support the Kulturbahnhof. As in previous years, the highlight was our international station orchestra. This year we were almost 60 people from over 12 countries on stage. Songs like the beautiful Dutch waltz "Aan de Amsterdamse Grachten" or even "Bunt sind schon die Wälder" are still ringing in our ears. Now the autumn begins and the station closes its doors for this year.

What happens next?

Culture is only the one pillar of our work, the other is to renovate the beautiful listed building so that next year the interiors can also be used. And that's exactly what we're tackling now. The scaffolding is up and the workmen are waiting in the wings. Here we go! The facade is being done, the roof is being renovated, and the interiors in the east wing are being designed so that event rooms, public restrooms, and a cultural café can be put into operation. After the roof of the entrance hall was already renovated last year, we are now looking forward to the moment when the hall can finally be used again for travelers and the passage to the tracks is possible again.

We will keep you up to date. With this little video we want to give you an impression of the summer. 

Warm wishes and see you soon!
The Bahnhof Team