You are currently viewing #30 Saisonbeginn

#30 Start of the season

The Season of Music and Beer Gardens begins

Dear friends of the Bahnhof,

Our season is getting closer and closer and we want to prepare you for everything that is coming this year. We open our station garden again from May 1st with the start of our music summer at the Leisniger Blütenfest. In the evening, the ultimate party will take place with the funk band Extraviolette from Leipzig.

"Dancing is the art of painting with the body and singing with the soul. It is the expression of pure joy that leads us closer to happiness with every step."

One highlight follows another and we can hardly wait for it to start. This year, the focus is on Latin American dances. The first official station milonga starts in May! 

Then in July, the absolute attraction: the station will be transformed into a tropical paradise from July 12-14. Our first Brazilian Forró dance festival with top-class stars from Brazil. Places for the festival are limited and if you want to be there, you shouldn't wait too long to get your hands on a ticket. Click here for ticket sales:

There is the possibility to take part in the festival as a volunteer. Please contact us if you are interested. Work assignment approx. 3 hours per day and free entry to the festival 😉

Forro Festival am Kulturbahnhof Leisnig

Ricardo Herz & Vanille Goovaerts will be there. In addition to great dance workshops, there will also be a workshop for all string players who want to be introduced to the world of forró music by the masters Ricardo Herz & Vanille Goovaerts. Registration here:

Ricardo Herz & Vanille Goovaerts - Workshop für brasilianische Musik - Geige - Streicher

As always, you can find all other events on our website.

We are really looking forward to the new season with you!

The Bahnhof Team